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Answers to the most-asked questions about Sheets

I'm often asked, "What sheets are best?"  The answer: there is no 'One Size Fits All' for sheets.
    • What's important is how sheets FEEL.
    • How to instantly know the best sheets for you.
Why is buying sheets such a gamble?   
Chemical finishes mills apply to make sheets feel good when new disappear after a few washes. 
    • Testing sheets after their chemical finishes disappear.
    • FEEL lab: high-tech and objective evaluation of sheets.
    • The 7 different 'touchy-feely' characteristics of a fabric.
What is thread count?  It used to indicate the quality of sheets but now manufacturers inflate thread counts.
    • You never know what you're buying.
    • What matters is how sheets FEEL to your touch.
A 'rag-to-riches' story.
    • Introducing flannel sheets to America.
    • Supplying the biggest retailers for over 25 years.